
An optimized food system:…

An optimized food system: Vegetables on your house –

News Research Training

Nanosynaptic ICs revealed by IBM

IBM has revealed two new artifical brain chips “evolved” from ways that a rat thinks, a cat reacts and a human is wired. Press release

Reverse engineering the brain using nanoelectronic circuitry has the potential for a million times faster processing than a normal brain

but also a million times better energy efficiency than a normal CPU.

The reason we have not engineered our computing systems this way before is that we have not been able too analyze, understand and model synaptic systems in sufficient detail until only a few years ago. For a good introduction to the reverse engineering of synaptic systems, see the excellent talk by Dharmendra Modha, manager of cognitive computing at the IBM Almaden Research Center.

By switching from traditional binary-logic to these massive-synaptic systems, the design criteria for nanoelectronic circuitry changes dramatically: Instead of requiring that every single cell in the IC fabric behaves exactly the same, it is enough that it is possible to have some paths through the fabric that can generate sufficient signal strength compared to the background noise from all other paths. Any design that generate a stable nonlinear response from the selective summation of many input signals will work, as long as each of its inputs includes a memory of the response it generated when it was last active. This means these nanosynapses can be made much smaller than traditional nanologic circuits, and that manufacturing processes can be much more simple and innacurate. In fact it will be more robust to have manufactoring processes and/or circuit designs that are generating a fairly large variation because that makes the system more adaptive!

Quflow has researched the implications of nanosynaptic systems on the roadmap for nanoelectronics as set forth by ITRS ( The result of the analysis will be published later this year.

News Training

Design for Lifetime

Usable, durable, maintainable and recyclable products makes so much more sense today:

via @wibiya


The meaning of Quflow & Perfeco

QU as in qualification: meeting or exceeding expectations.

FLOW as in workflow: way of working to reach goals.

PERF as in performance: how good a function is compared to user expectations.

ECO as in economical-logical: how cost and resource efficient a design is compared to product targets.

All these aspects are intimitely connected with product quality: Quflow makes all qualities grow at a steady pace and Perfeco ensures those qualities perform well in all target systems.


About this site

The author and publisher of this site is Joakim Pettersson, an engineering physicist focussed on rapid product quality growth and benchmarking. His research and industrialization involvements are listed on the references page. Below is a magnification of his favourite mathematical expression – quality flow:

The reason this so beautiful [besides it being typeset by latex from $Q_leadsto$] is that the Q is a favourite mathematical symbol representing quality, and the flowy arrow has the mathematical meaning “leads to”:

Quality leads to <insert your favourite quantity here>.


The essence of engineering

We have to make assumptions on the quality of things we have to get new things done, and places where trouble is found is where those assumptions are wrong. When such troubles are researched and resolved, new and valuable knowledge is created, engineering continues and quality grows at a rapid and steady pace. This site is focussed on building knowledge, raising creativity and understanding assumptions about products and systems engineered today, so that good quality is obtained as rapidly and trouble-free as possible.

Another well-researched fact is that companies and projects where visions, product ideas, engineering problems and tangible solutions are communicated and negotiated openly are guaranteed to succeed, while those that focus more on requirements and competition will seldom meet the needs and expectations of our dynamic and connected society. The cooperative mindset that we need is also so much more healthy and intellectually stimulating for the whole community involved. Scientists, product planners, engineers, sales, support as well as user communities that have thoughts on or an interest in good engineering of high-performing, efficient and dependable products and systems are therefore always particularly welcome here!


Nanoelectronic synapses n…

Nanoelectronic synapses now operate orders of magnitude faster than natural ones – imagine what that could help us with.


Recommended talk on brain…

Recommended talk on brain-like massive-synaptic systems compared to traditional binary-computing systems –


Multi-purpose systems are better

LED-light bulbs used also for broadband data [and energy transmission]:

@GOOD stuff